Friday, 16 April 2010

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product.

I feel I have progressed loads since my preliminary task. My prelim task was very undetailed, unprofessional and too basic even for a mock up. Since developing my coursework and doing my research and planning I've discovered a whole new world of technologies. I've discovered mise-en-scene is key for creating the right mood for your magazine. By styling my model with spikey hair, appropriate indie accessories and clothing, it appeals to my target audience. Even on my double page spread when I was struggling with lighting, instead of giving up I used my sisters cars headlights on full beam to set the perfect atmosphere. I've tried to use a variety of shots to keep my magazine interesting and show that I know a variety of angles to create effect. By using Photoshop I could cut out my model on my front cover with great detail to get round his intricut hair. Unlike on my prelim where I struggled and didnt manage to get right on her outline. On both my prelim and final I have still used a large headmast, barcode, coverline and plug. I have also kept my final piece similar to my prelim by using the same mid close up on my front cover and using more than one person on my contents page. One drastic change is the fact I've gone from having a girl on the front to a boy, I'm not quite sure why, just when I started researching and getting ideas I thought it would be more effective to use a male on my front cover. Overall I am pleased with my final pieces and feel they look professional and consistent through all 3 pages.


6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product. (With Audio)