Monday 1 March 2010


Self Assessment -

framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate - level 3 - as i feel my pictures are suitable with suitable props etc.

using a variety of shot distances as appropriate - level 3 - ive used a different distance for each shot, using a mid-closeup on the front cover which is conventional on a magazine, a full length shot for my contents and a further distance shot for my double page spread so it would fill more of the page.

shooting material appropriate to the task set- level 4 - my pictures fit the genre and appeal to the target audience.

selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting - level 4 - for my DPS I used my sisters car headlights to create a night time effect yet still being able to see Rob clearlly and used a variety of settings for my photos.

manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing - level 4 - i spent a lot of my time cutting out my contents and front cover picture so that i could move the models onto different backgrounds but making it look like they are naturally there.

accurately using language and register- level 4 - i have made no spelling errors and have used a medium register to appeal to my target audience.

appropriately integrating illustration and text- level 3 - ive aimed to fit my text appropriately around my pictures as not to overcrowd the pages

showing undestanding of conventions of layout and page design - level 3 - ive used conventions like a big mast head and large headings, i feel like my end product will look professional.

showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size - level 3 - i need to integrate a different font into my work for more variety but i like my colour scheme and feel the sizes of my fonts are right for each page.

using ICT appropriately for the task set - feel i've used photoshop well to manipulate my images to get the effect i wanted.

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